Service Nova Scotia - Registry of Motor Vehicles
Learner's (Beginner's) Licence
Who Needs This
Licence? |
Anyone who wants to get a Nova Scotia Driver's Licence, and has never
held a Driver's Licence before.
Classes of Learner's Licences : In Nova
Scotia, there are two different types of Learner's Licence:
(1) "Class 7" (the regular Learner's
Licence) -- which permits a new driver to drive cars, pick-up trucks,
sport utility vehicles and vans seating less than 10 people;
(2) "Class LM" (the Learner's Motorcycle
Licence) -- which permits a new motorcycle driver to drive a motorcycle.
This section is about the regular (Class
7) Learner's Licence. For motorcycles (Class LM), see the
section on Motorcycle Driver's Licence
Graduated system: Nova Scotia
has a Graduated Driver Licensing system with 3 stages
: (1) Learner's Licence, sometimes called Beginner's (this section);
(2) Newly Licensed Driver's Licence (see Newly Licensed Driver's Licence);
(3) Restricted Individual with Condition 47
All new drivers have to graduate from all three levels before they can get a regular Driver's Licence.
See the section on the Graduated Driver Licence system for more information.
Issuing Department
/ Agency: |
of Motor Vehicles
Service Nova Scotia |
can you get this Licence and / or further information? |
902-424-5851 or if calling long distance,
call 1-800-898-7668 (toll-free) |
Registry of Motor Vehicles Offices are located in Most Access Nova Scotia locations
Send us an e-mail through our online
enquiry form. |
http://www.novascotia.ca/sns/rmv |
Service Nova Scotia
PO Box 1652
Halifax, NS B3J 2Z3
902-424-0720 |
Forms & Process: |
regular (Class 7) Learner's Licence: (cars, pick-up trucks,
sport utility vehicles, vans seating less than 10 people)
1) Application Form: You fill
out an Application for Driver's Licence form, which you can get at any
of the offices listed above.
2) Age: You must be at least
16 years old.
3) Under 18: If you are under
18 years old, you have to have written permission of 1 parent (or legal
guardian) to get a Learner's Licence. If that person is going to come
with you when you apply, they can simply sign Section 2A on the Application
for Driver Licence form which you fill out. If they aren't coming,
you have to get a Parental Consent Form or an Application form ahead of
time, get it signed, and bring it with you when you apply. If you don't
have the proper signatures, your application will NOT be accepted.
Note: The parent or guardian who
has given their consent can change their mind at any time before the licence
holder turns 18 (even if they have already graduated from their Learner's
Licence to a Newly Licensed Driver's Licence).. To withdraw their consent,
the parent or guardian has to write (not just phone) the Registrar of
Motor Vehicles. If that happens, the Licence holder may lose their licence.
4) Proof of age: No matter how old you are, when you come to apply for a Learner's Licence, you have to bring proof of identification. For information on identification requirements click here.
5) In person: You have to come
to one of the offices listed above to apply for a Learner's Licence, so
that you can take the tests described below.
6) Vision test:
You have to pass a vision test. This includes tests
for colour perception; field of vision (minimum120 degrees); sharpness
of vision (minimum 20-40); and distance judgment. If you do not
pass, you will have to get a form signed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist,
and you will have to have proper glasses or contacts before a licence
will be issued. (And after you get your licence, you must always
wear them when you are driving.)
7) Knowledge Tests: You have
to pass a written test, which has 2 parts: One is on traffic and safe
driving rules, and the other is on Nova Scotia highway signs. Each part
has 20 multiple-choice questions, and you have to get at least 16 right
on each part to pass. You have to pass both parts to get your licence.
If you fail one part, you have to take the entire test over.
If you need it, staff can give these tests orally, rather than
in writing. To do this, you have to make a special appointment ahead of
Details on what you need to know to pass this test are laid out in the N.S.
Driver's Handbook. Copies are available at the regional libraries,
and at all of the offices handling this licence. (See Where
can you get ...., above) The cost is $9.75, tax included.
The part of the test on safe driving rules is different for
those seeking a Learner Motorcycle Licence. That is explained in the Handbook.
It's a good idea to call the Department (see the toll-free number given
above) and find out what times this Knowledge test is given at the office
where you plan to apply. You do not need an appointment to write this test,
BUT not all RMV offices give it every day.
Take a driver knowledge test: Learner's Licence (class 7)
8) Test Receipt:
You can pay for the Knowledge test in advance or when you take the test.
The cost is $15.15 (tax included). You can pay the fee at any RMV service location.
When you come in to take your test, first you present your test receipt,
and then you will be allowed to take the test. Unless you have your receipt,
you cannot take it. (If you lose it, you will have to buy another one.)
Application Process:
Other Items: |
The process for replacing
your licence (because it has been lost or stolen), or changing
your name on your licence (for example, after you have married),
or changing your address on your licence,
are the same as for a regular Driver's Licence. [See Driver's Licence, Additional
Information, E, F & G ] |
Issuing your Licence:
Once you have passed the Knowledge test, there is usually no waiting period to get this licence; you pay the fee, your photo is taken and you will receive a temporary document which is valid for 30 calendar days. You will receive your new card in the mail within 14 calendar days of visiting an Access Nova Scotia or Registry of Motor Vehicles Office.
The fee for this is $25.10 (No tax is charged),
Warning Note: Even though you have already passed your tests, you cannot legally drive until you actually have your temporary document.
Expiry : |
A Learner's Licence issued after April 1, 2015, is good for
2 years
Once it expires, it is invalid, and you have to apply for a new
one (and take all the tests over).
When you arrive, on the day of the road test, the examiner will check
to see that you have a valid licence before you go out for the road test.
So to avoid having to take all of the initial test over, please book
an appointment for your road test well in advance, because you must
complete this test before the expiry date on your licence.
Price & Payment: |
Payment at counter: cash, debit card,
Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card, cheque or money order made out to the
Registry of Motor Vehicles.
Road Test Receipts Only - Payment Online:
You can pay for a
Road Test Receipt online using your Debit card (Interac® Online), or Visa, Mastercard or American Express credit card.
(1) Knowledge Test receipt: $15.15 (tax included)
(2) Learner's Licence: $25.10 (No tax is charged)
(3) Road Test receipt: $53.00 (tax included) [see below]
Note: You will need to take a
road test
to graduate to the next licensing level (which
is the Newly Licensed Driver's Licence).. You can pay for the road test
at the same time you pay for your Learner's Licence, or you can come into
the office later and pay for it then. But -- you have to
pay for it in advance; you cannot book an appointment for a road
test until you have paid for it. (It works this way: when you pay
for the test, you get a numbered receipt,
and you have to have that number when you call to make the appointment.)
Please book an appointment for your road test well in advance,
because you must complete this test before the expiry date on your
licence. On the day of your appointment, the examiner will check
to make sure you have a valid licence before you go out for the road test.
For information on exactly what you have to do to
set up a road test, see Newly Licensed
Driver's Licence, Additional Information (F).
Related Requirements:
Under some conditions, applicants
may have to produce Medical certificates or Optical certificates. |
Additional Information:
A photograph of the licence holder is on all N.S. Driver's Licences (exception: 30 day temporary documents).
Under certain circumstances, you can get an exemption (and a
licence with no photo on it). For more information, contact the Department
(see Where can you get
...., above).
A Learner's Licence has a large letter "L"
on it to alert police that you are a Learner.
(1) First restriction -- zero blood alcohol
When you have a Learner's Licence, the tolerance for alcohol content in
your blood when you are driving is ZERO. That means, if you are stopped
while driving, and asked to take a breathalyzer test, and it shows ANY
ALCOHOL CONTENT AT ALL in your blood, your licence will be suspended for
6 months. If your blood alcohol level is over .05, you may get an immediate
24-hour roadside suspension ; if it is
over .08, you will be arrested and your
licence will be suspended for a full year. And after your suspension
is over, you will have to start over as
a Learner; see (D) Points & Suspensions
..., below.
For more information on breath samples and roadside suspension, see
Driver's Licence, (D) Failing
a Breathalyzer Test.
(2) Second
restriction -- an Supervising Driver:
It is illegal for you to drive with a Learner's Licence unless someone
who is an " supervising driver " who is seated
in the front seat of the vehicle.
Someone counts as an "supervising driver" ONLY if they have a valid
regular Driver's Licence . They do NOT
count as a supervising driver if they are in the Graduated Driver Licence program.
Note: If someone who does not count as an "supervising driver"
is caught pretending to be one, they will be fined, and have points put
on their licence, and sometimes even lose their licence. And the Learner
Driver could lose their licence as well.
Also, the person who is serving as the "supervising driver" has to be
in control of the situation -- so that
they can help the Learner if they have to.
(3)Third restriction -- no passengers:
Besides that one supervising driver in the front seat,
no other people can be in the vehicle when you are driving with
a Learner's Licence.
Exceptions: there are 2 exceptions
to these restrictions:
(a) When a Learner is taking a road test,
there can be more than one Examiner in the vehicle;
(b) When a Learner is practicing, and IF
the car has dual brake controls, and IF
an approved driving instructor is seated in the front seat, then there
can be as many as 3 students in the back seat of the vehicle, provided
there are enough seat belts.
Night Driving : there are
no restrictions on night driving for a regular (Class 7) Learner
Driver (because they always have to have an supervising driver with them
in the front seat of the car.) But there are for Motorcycle Learners,
and for people with Newly Licensed Driver's Licences....
Nova Scotia has a demerit point system for drivers, and this applies to
Learner's Licences. If you are caught breaking a driving law (for example,
by going through a stop sign, or not wearing a seat belt, or speeding
....), then you will get demerit points on your licence.
If you get 4 or more demerit points,
your licence will be suspended for 6 months
For more information on points & suspensions contact the Department
(see Where can you get ..., above)
After your suspension is over, then, no matter how long you already
had your Learner's Licence, you will have to go through the full "waiting
period" again before you can graduate
to the next level (see below ...)
E) GRADUATION to the next level of driver's licence:
After your Learner's Licence, the next level in the graduated licensing system is the Newly Licensed Driver's Licence (Class 5N -- where the "N" stands for "Newly licensed"...)
Road test: Before you can get your Newly Licensed Driver's Licence, you will have to pass a road test (Driving Examination). This involves a waiting period: you usually need to have your Learner's Licence for at least 12 full months before you can take the road test. However, there is an exception:
(a) If you successfully complete an approved Driver Education course that includes at least 25 hours of classroom teaching and 10 hours of driving with an instructor, the minimum waiting period is reduced to 9 months.
Note: The Driving School has to be certified by Service Nova Scotia.
For more information on this road test, see Additional Information (F) in the section on the Newly Licensed Driver's Licence.
For more information on any matters discussed in
this section, contact the Department (see Where can
you get ...., above). |
Legislative Authority:
Motor Vehicle Act, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, Chapter 293,
Section(s) 64-78 |
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