These are links to some interesting wetland webpages that may be of interest if you want to learn more about wetlands and wetland ecology in Nova Scotia, the functions and services that wetlands perform and how to be a good steward of Nova Scotia’s wetland habitats.
Wetland Application Resources
- Wetland Alteration Application Guided Template
- Short Guide Wetland Alteration Application Approval Process
- NS WESP-AC Nontidal Calculator Single Site
- WESP-AC Manuals
- WESP-AC Tidal Calculator
- WESP-AC Supp Info
- WESP-AC KMZ mapping files
Wetland Inventory and Identification Tools
- NSDNR Wetland Inventory
- NSDNR Wet Areas Mapping Tool
- Nova Scotia Wet Places
- The Natural History of Nova Scotia
- Wetlands of International Importance - RAMSAR Sites
- Canadian Wetland Classification System
Wetland Delineation, Functional Assessment and Restoration Training
- Maritime College of Forest Technology
- Humboldt Field Research Center
- Water Management and Wetland Restoration Training Course
- Society of Wetland Scientists Training Courses and Workshops
- Fern Hill Institute for Plant Conservation/Acadia University
Wetland Delineation Guidance
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual
- Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Northcentral and Northeast Region
- Using Hydroperiod in Wetland Assessments
- Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States
- U.S. NaturalResource Conservation Service Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States
- Guidance for Water-Table Monitoring of Potential Wetland Sites
- Guidance on Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands
- Soil Survey Maps, Reports and Data for Nova Scotia
- Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesotaand Wisconsin
- Northeast Wetland Flora
- Wetland Plants of the Eastern United States
- USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Plants Database
- Primary Watersheds of Nova Scotia (PDF:6.5mb)
Wetland Functional Assessment Guidance
- Manual for the Wetland Ecosystem Services Protocol for the United States (WESPUS): ! File not found
- Field Data Form for the Wetland Ecosystem Services Protocol for the United States (WESPUS): ! File not found
- "Wetland Ecological Functions Assessment: An Overview of Approaches for Atlantic Canada"
- Minnesota WetlandFunctional Assessment Approach
- Rapid Assessment Methodology for Assessing Wetland Functional Values
- Washington State Wetland Function Rating Systems
- Compiled Links to Regionalized Wetland Functional Assessment Procedures
- Canadian WaterBalance Model Hydrology Modeling Tool
- SWAT - Soil and Water Assessment Tool for Watershed Modeling
Wetland Flora and Fauna Resources
- Wildlife Species Protected Under the Endangered Species Act in Nova Scotia:
- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC):
- General Status Ranks of Wild Species in Nova Scotia:
- Species at Risk in Nova Scotia
- Significant Species and Habitats Database:
- Nova Scotia’s Coastal Plain Flora
- Guide to Addressing Wildlife Species and Habitat in an EA Registration Document
- Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre
- Common Ferns of Southwest Nova Scotia
Wetland Monitoring Protocols
Best Management Practices
- NSTIR Erosion and Sediment Control Course Materials
- Engineering With Nature: Alternative Techniques to Riprap Bank Stabilization
- Stormwater Management BMPs for Nova Scotia
- Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure
- Stormwater Management BMPs for HRM
- Construction Best Management Practices - Stormwater
- Construction Best Management Practices - Maine
- Erosion and Sediment Control Methods for Construction Sites
- Industrial Best Practices for Water Management
- Land Development Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Habitat
- Nova Scotia Transportation Guidelines for Access Road Construction
- Low Impact Development Guidelines for Urban and Commercial Development
- Low Impact Development Fact Sheets
- Agricultural BMPs from Nova Scotia's Environmental Farm Stewardship Program
- Canadian Federal Best Management Practices for Agriculture
- Hay Harvesting Methods for Reducing Mortality to Grassland Wildlife
- Hay Harvesting Methods for Reducing Mortality to Grassland Wildlife
- Managing Farmland for Wildlife Habitat
- Pasture Management for Grassland Birds
- Agricultural Best Management Practices in New Brunswick
- Best Management Practices for Forestry Operations - Minnesota
- Best Management Practices for Forestry Operations - Maine
- Forestry Best Management Practices for Water Quality
- Forestry Best Management Practices for Water Quality
- Low Impact Forest Road Project: ! File not found
- Shoreline Structures and Restoration
- Wetland Ways: Interim Guidelines for Wetland Protection and Conservation in British Columbia (BMPs for different industries working in and around wetlands)
- Environmental Guidelines for Access and Water Crossings in Ontario
Wetland Stewardship Resources
- Beaverdam Removal Code of Practice (PDF:80k)
- Creating Vernal Pools
- Excavated Ponds for Wildlife
- Introduction to Restoring Wetlands (Wisconsin Wetlands Association)
- Landowner Stewardship Guide for Healthy Lakes and Wetlands
- Landowner Stewardship Guide for Species at Risk
- Restore Your Lost Wetlands (Duck's Unlimited)
- Restoring and Creating Wetlands - A USEPA Planning Guide
- Wetland Restoration Fact Sheet (USEPA) - check out video referenced at end of document from the Wetland Conservancy
- Wetland Restoration Handbook (Wisconsin DNR)
- Wetland Restoration Techniques (Michigan DNR)
Relevant Provincial Legislation, Regulation, and Policy
Provincial Legislation
- Environment Act
- Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act
- Agricultural Marshland Conservation Act
- Off-Highway Vehicles Act
Provincial Regulation
- Activities Designation Regulations
- Approvals Procedure Regulations
- Environmental Assessment Regulations
- On-site Sewage Disposal Systems Regulations
- Subdivision Regulations
- Wildlife Habitat and Watercourses Protection Regulations