- Business Plans and Strategy Documents
- Databases
- Emergency Related Fact Sheets
- Air
- Climate Change
- Land
- Water
Business Plans and Strategy Documents
French Language Services
- Plan for 2023-2024
- Plan for 2022-2023
- Plan for 2021-2022 (PDF:232k)
- Plan for 2020-2021 (PDF:282k)
- Plan for 2019-2020 (PDF:1.1mb)
The department currently offers access to the following database(s):
Emergency Related Fact Sheets
- Cleaning up Sewage from your Basement: English (PDF:164k) | Français (PDF:204Ko)
- Drinking Water: English (PDF:205k) | Français (PDF:255Ko)
- Swimming After a Storm: English (PDF:141k) | Français (PDF:167Ko)
- Using Well Water After a Flood: English (PDF:131k) | Français (PDF:137Ko)
- Using Well Water after a Wildfire: English (PDF:141k) | Français (PDF:146Ko)
- Mitigating Risk to Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks (PDF:2.5mb)
- Mitigating Risk to Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks (PDF:3.2mb)
- Contingency Planning Guidelines (PDF:206k)
- Nova Scotia Air Zone Report
- Air Quality Regulations
- The Air We Breathe (PDF:4.1mb) - Nova Scotia's Air Quality Report, 2000-2007
- Anti-idling Fact Sheet (PDF:46k)
- Guidelines for Environmental Noise Measurement and Assessment (PDF:652k)
- Nova Scotia Air Monitoring Stations - Map (PDF:1.3mb)
- Trans-Boundary Air Pollution Event - 2004 (PDF:1.9mb)
Climate Change
Please visit the Climate Change website for a complete list of related publications.
Contaminated Sites
Environmental Assessments
- Guide to Considering Climate Change in Project Development in Nova Scotia (PDF:7mb) - February 2011
- Guide to Considering Climate Change in Environmental Assessments in Nova Scotia (PDF:4.5mb) - February 2011
- The Role of Proponents in Crown Consultation with the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia
- Proponent's Guide to Environmental Assessment (PDF:455k)
- Guide to Preparing an EA Registration Document for Wind Power Projects in Nova Scotia (PDF:494k)
- A Citizen’s Guide to Environmental Assessment (PDF:487k)
- Guide to Addressing Wildlife Species and Habitat in an EA Registration Document (PDF:119k)
- Guide to Preparing an EA Registration Document for Mining Developments in Nova Scotia (PDF:273k)
- Guide to Preparing an EA Registration Document for Pit and Quarry Developments in Nova Scotia (PDF:236k)
- Guide for Surface Coal Mine Reclamation Plans (PDF:174k)
Information Bulletins
- Requirements for Submitting Electronic Copies of Environmental Assessment Documents (PDF:226k)
- Developments That Require Environmental Assessment (PDF:210k)
- Regulatory Time Frames for Environmental Assessment (PDF:177k)
- Fee Schedule For Environmental Assessment (PDF:107k)
Studies / Plans
Pests and Pesticides
- Bed Bug
- Lawn Weed (PDF:302k)
- Carpenter Ant (PDF:1.1mb)
- Chinch Bug (PDF:205k)
- Common Diseases of Roses (PDF:22k)
- Earwig (PDF:37k)
- Eastern Tent Caterpillar (PDF:245k)
- Flea (PDF:25k)
- Garden Aphid (PDF:27k)
- Pests and Pesticides in Nova Scotia (PDF:73k)
- Pesticide Applications Approvals
- Pesticide Safety at Home (PDF:81k)
- Pesticide Safety in the Garden (PDF:33k)
- Powdery Mildew of Lilac, Phlox and Other Ornamentals (PDF:16k)
- Preventing Pests in the Home Garden (PDF:21k)
- Wasp (Yellowjacket) (PDF:36k)
- Understanding the Pesticide Label (PDF:70k)
- What Farm Operators Should Know About West Nile Virus (PDF:24k)
- What Tire Pile Owners Should Know About West Nile Virus (PDF:24k)
- White Grub (PDF:196k)
Petroleum Storage
- Petroleum Inventory Control Guide (PDF:244k)
- Daily Inventory Worksheet Underground Tanks (PDF:272k)
- Monthly Inventory Record Underground Tanks (PDF:475k)
- Weekly Inventory Worksheet Aboveground Tanks (PDF:257k)
- Monthly Inventory Record Aboveground Tanks (PDF:173k)
- NS Standards for Construction and Installation for Petroleum Storage Tank Systems 2021 (PDF:759k)
- Nova Scotia Standards for Construction and Installation for Petroleum Storage Tank Systems 1997 (PDF:288k)
Protected Areas
- A Second Location for the Rare Boreal Felt Lichen in Nova Scotia (PDF:41k)
- Guide to Campsite Leases and Licences in Protected Wilderness Areas (PDF:417k)
- Guide to Conducting Research in Wilderness Areas & Nature Reserves (PDF:496k)
- Keep It Wild - A Guide For Low Impact Recreation In Nova Scotia's Wilderness Areas (PDF:4mb)
- Keep It Wild - Wilderness Area Standards (PDF:749k)
- Lichen Indicators of Ecosystem Health in Nova Scotia's Protected Areas (PDF:53k)
- Natural Landscapes: Report (PDF:11.4mb), Map (PDF:2.2mb), List (PDF:212k)
- Nature Reserves of Nova Scotia: ! File not found
- Occurrence and Abundance of Epiphytic Cyanolichens in Protected Areas of Nova Scotia, Canada (PDF:181k)
- Order on Camping and Lighting of Fires (PDF:9k)
- Protecting Private Land: ! File not found
- Protecting Wilderness: A Summary of the Wilderness Areas Protection Act (PDF:1.9mb)
- Provincial Protected Areas Maps: Colour (PDF:936k)
- Technical Notes: Floristic Survey of Canso Coastal Barrens Wilderness Area (PDF:1.2mb)
- Technical Notes: Research Topics in Protected Areas (PDF:1.9mb)
- Technical Notes: Wallace Lake Fire Report (PDF:3.4mb)
Recycling and Waste
- Inter-departmental Committee on Used Tire Management (PDF:88k)
- An Assessment of the Use of Tires as Alternative Fuel (PDF:4.1mb)
- Advisory Committee Report on Used-Tire Management (PDF:1.2mb)
- Policy on Review of Electronic Stewardship Plans (PDF:69k)
- Electronic Waste - Background (PDF:14k)
Guidelines and Standards
- Composting Facility Guidelines (PDF:66k)
- Grease Trap Waste Guidelines (PDF:77k)
- Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Guidelines (PDF:303k)
- Solid Waste Management Facility Guidelines for Municipal Waste Transfer (PDF:312k)
- Solid Waste Management Facility Guidelines for Construction and Demolition Debris Storage, Transfer, Process & Disposal (PDF:385k)
- Standard for Commercial Vehicle Salvage Facilities (PDF:399k)
- Dairy Stewardship Agreement (PDF:16k)
- Newsprint (PDF:11k)
- Sharps (residential syringes) (PDF:14k)
- Telephone Directory Stewardship Agreement (PDF:111k)
- Atlantic Canada Guidelines for Drinking Water Supply Systems (PDF:1.5mb)
- A Drinking Water Strategy for Nova Scotia - Final Report (PDF:399k)
- Become a Water Steward in Your Community (PDF:131k)
- Boil Water Fact Sheet (PDF:50k)
- Before You Construct a Water Well (PDF:656k)
- Designated Protected Water Areas in Nova Scotia (PDF:442k)
- Designation of a Protected Water Area (PDF:859k)
- Erosion and Sedimentation Control : Handbook for Construction Sites (PDF:4.3mb)
- Facility Classification Standards (PDF:115k)
- Flow Chart for Radionuclide Testing in Well Water (PDF:551k)
- A Guide for Private Well Owners:
English (PDF:333k), français (PDF:766Ko) - Guideline for Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Certificate Renewal (PDF:36k)
- Maintaining Distribution System Water Quality (PDF:30k)
- Preparing an Action Plan when contamination persists following disinfection (PDF:19k)
- Radionuclides in Well Water: Frequently Asked Questions (PDF:89k)
- Safe Drinking Water for Public Water Systems: An Overview of a Diligent Approach (PDF:65k)
- Safe Drinking Water for Public Water Systems: A Diligent Approach (PDF:140k)
- Save Water in Your Home (PDF:91k)
- Sources of Radiation Exposure in Canada (PDF:214k)
- Taking Care of Your Water Supply (PDF:83k)
- Testing your well water for Lead-210 (PDF:116k)
- Users that must take particular precautions during a boil advisory (PDF:33k)
- Water Conservation (PDF:156k)
- Water, A Natural Recycler (PDF:169k)
- Water Wisdom Fact Sheet (PDF:146k)
- Water Utility Standard Operating Procedures and Contingency Plans Guidance (PDF:584k)
- Well Disinfection Procedures (PDF:20k)
- Groundwater Resource Reports and Maps
- Municipal Drinking Water Supplies of Nova Scotia (PDF:1.1mb)
- Protected Water Areas of Nova Scotia (PDF:519k)
The Drop on Water
Municipal Water Approval Protocols
Municipal Water Approvals Protocols
Water Protection Plan
- Step 1 - Form a Source Water Protection Advisory Committee (PDF:2.4mb)
- Step 2 - Delineate a Source Water Protection Area Boundary (PDF:2.2mb)
- Step 3 - Identify Potential Contaminants and Assess Risk (PDF:2.6mb)
- Step 4 - Develop a Source Water Protection Management Plan (PDF:2.4mb)
- Step 5 - Develop a Monitoring Program (PDF:2.1mb)
Wastewater and Sewage Disposal
On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems
- Homeowners Guide to Septic Systems (PDF:17.9mb)
- Taking Care of Your Home Sewage Disposal System (PDF:153k)
Municipal Wastewater
- Atlantic Canada Standards and Guidelines Manual for the Collection, Treatment, and Disposal of Sanitary Sewage (PDF:3.2mb)
- Municipal Wastewater Effluent Newsletters
- Biosolids FAQ (PDF:53k)
- Guideline for the Storage and Application of Biosolids (PDF:235k)
- On-site Sewage Disposal Systems Technical Guidelines