This area protects one of the last remaining intact forest patches in the Sissiboo Low Hills Natural Landscape of western Nova Scotia, a region with no other representative protected areas. It features several old forest stands containing eastern hemlock, sugar maple, yellow birch, and white ash, as well as over 4 km of river frontage on Sissiboo River.
This area is popular for canoeing, hunting, sport fishing, and trapping.
Protection of this area does not affect use or maintenance of Weymouth Falls Road (the east-west road corridor is excluded) or NSPI power lines or hydroelectric infrastructure.
A 1.5 km section of a north-south forest access road that provides access to adjacent Crown land is also excluded, and will remain open for vehicle use at least until alternative access is available. This road is also used by off-highway vehicle riders to travel between Sissiboo River and Danvers.