12 Percent - Parks and Protected Areas System Plan Consultation

South Panuke Wilderness Area


Halifax, Hants, Lunenburg


6847 ha


Wilderness Area



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Large mixed forest tract with regional importance for wildlife and ecosystem connectivity

Ecological Values

A large core area with regional significance for wildlife movement and ecosystem connectivity between central and western Nova Scotia

Representation of South Mountain Rolling Plain natural landscape

Several stands of old tolerant hardwood and mature red spruce and hemlock dominated forest

Important aquatic habitats including small lakes, frontage on large lakes and several km of river

Habitat for endangered mainland moose

Outdoor Recreation Values

Includes part of traditional canoe route between Minas Basin and St. Margarets Bay through Panuke Lake

Scenic lakefrontage on a dozen lakes

Includes all of Connaught River and a portion of the lower East River

Hiking opportunities associated with proximity to Rails-to-Trails and Labrador Castle

Hunting, fishing and trapping


Forestry Values

Mix of mature and young softwood with scattered mixedwood stands

Parts of area have experienced periodic cutting and ongoing forest management for several decades

Small portion of area currently unavailable for forestry due to DNR old forest policy

Other Resource Values

Medium mineral potential

Low petroleum potential

Low wind potential


Exclusions and Vehicle Access

Timber Lake and Connaught Lake not included.

Road access to Timber Lake and adjacent camp excluded.

Access to boat launch at Panuke Lake not affected by designation. 

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