Government of Nova Scotia Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Canada


Petroleum Storage

Tank Registration

Petroleum Storage Tanks

The following petroleum storage tanks are regulated in Nova Scotia:

  • All underground petroleum storage tanks
  • Above ground petroleum storage tanks with a nominal capacity of 4000L or greater
  • Petroleum storage tanks at a marina with a capacity of 230L or greater
  • Storage tank systems in a petroleum refinery regulated under the Environment Act

Tank owners must get an approval to install and operate them. They must also register their tanks and pay administrative fees to Nova Scotia Environment. Tanks must be installed by a certified installer.

These tanks are regulated under the Petroleum Management Regulations, Activities Designation Regulations and Fee Regulations under the Environment Act. The regulations detail how tanks are to be designed, constructed, installed and operated. Tanks may also have to meet requirements under other legislation such as the National Fire Code – check with your local fire marshal.

Tank Approval and Registration

For a new tank installation, tanks owners must submit a Petroleum Storage Tank Notification form at least three working days before installation begins.

Within 30 days of installation, your certified installer must submit a Petroleum Storage Tank Installation/Removal/Alteration form to the department, along with the fee. The department will issue a Certificate of Registration and an approval for the site. and a registration number for each storage tank located on that site.

An updated Certificate of Registration will be issued annually when the renewal fee is paid. The certificate must be posted at the tank site or made available to any party that delivers petroleum products to the tank. It is an offence to deliver a petroleum product to an unregistered storage tank system.

An approval is usually for 10 years. If you are still registering your tank(s) in 10 years’ time, you will automatically be issued a new 10-year approval along with your Certificate of Registration.

Note: The annual fee for each storage tank registration is in the Fee Regulations. If the owner submits proof of third party public liability insurance coverage for their storage tank system, the tank fee will be reduced by 50%.

Transfer of Ownership

The person responsible for a petroleum storage tank system must notify the department within 30 days following the transfer or sale of the system by submitting a Petroleum Storage Tank System Registration/Transfer form to the department.