The purpose of Nova Scotia Environment’s (NSE) Pesticide Continuing Education Points (CEP) Program is to create safe, knowledgeable and professional pesticide applicators and vendors. This program promotes continued learning and skill development to ensure the safe and effective application of pesticides. The CEP Program enables some applicators and vendors to renew their certification through continued education rather than completing an exam.
For Applicators
During the 5-year period in which a certificate is valid, points can be accrued for participating in NSE approved classes and training courses. These points are tracked and can later be used to recertify a certificate in lieu of writing an exam. To renew a pesticide certificate, 15 points must be collected over the 5-year period, with a maximum of 10 points being collected in any one year (per certificate).
Continuing education points are awarded by NSE for content in the form of classes or training courses put on by industry, educational institutions and other training providers that offer pesticide specific content. Training providers are responsible for the design and delivery of training. NSE is not responsible for the development, promotion or delivery of approved CEP training courses. These training sessions are reviewed and approved by NSE for content. NSE randomly audits CEP courses.
To receive CEP(s) from a training event, the applicator must provide on the attendance sheet their:
- printed name and signature
- current certification number
- full address
The applicator must collect the receipt provided by the event coordinator. This receipt must be kept by the applicator for their records. In the event of a discrepancy, proof in the form of a valid receipt signed by the event organizer or fully completed attendance sheet will be required to issue the CEP(s) in question.
To recertify any certificate, the applicator must show the courses taken were specific to the industry reflected in the certificate (i.e. agricultural content will not count towards a structural certificate, etc.).
Due to a lack of private courses available for the aerial, fumigation, aquatic vegetation and domestic vendor categories at this time, no CEP recertification can be awarded for these categories. To recertify these certificates, an exam must be completed after 5 years.
For Training Providers
Criteria for Pesticide Continuing Education Points
Specific criteria must be met for a class or training course to be deemed eligible for CEPs. The format and content of the course, as well as the instructor(s) qualifications, must meet or exceed the following criteria:
Format: Instructor led courses, seminars, hands on training, monitored interactive computer programs, facilitated viewing of videos, self-study with verified testing, or workshops where attendance is verified.
Content: Training must address the “Basic Knowledge Requirements for Pesticide Education in Canada” (see Appendix A). Integrated Pest Management material must focus on pests and pesticides. Content should cover new material, re-fresher information, new practices and technology, the environment, and safety.
Instructors: Instructors must be knowledgeable, experienced professional(s). Instructors can include representatives from agricultural organizations, private/academic trainers, consultants, professional associations, and representatives from government departments
Unacceptable Content for Continuing Education Points
To be approved, courses must focus on pesticides. The following subjects are not eligible for points:
- business aspects of farm or company management
- fertilization and irrigation
- plant production and nutrition
- variety updates or selection
- storage and marketing of commodities
*First aid and WHMIS will only be considered if they specifically focus on pesticides.
Submit a Request: How to receive Pesticide Continuing Education Points
The training provider must submit a request to NSE for course approval at least 3 weeks before the event takes place. This submission must include:
- A thorough outline of the topic(s). The information must be sufficient for NSE to determine if the content meets the overall objective of the program (i.e., learning and skills development for the safe and effective handling and use of pesticides).
- An agenda of the proposed training event that includes the date(s), and start/end times for each agenda item
- The name and credentials of all training providers.
- The address of the event.
After submission, courses will be evaluated using the above information. Submissions with incomplete descriptions or descriptions that do not reflect appropriate criteria will not be awarded points. Points will not be issued retroactively.
Points will be awarded at a base rate of 1 point/hour for instruction, small group hands-on training (1-5 people) is awarded at a rate of 2 points/hour, and large group hands-on training (6-15 people) is awarded points at a rate of 1.5 points/hour. A minimum of one half hour is necessary to issue points and points will be rounded down to the nearest half hour. Large group hands-on training requires a minimum of 1 hour.
Hands-on training includes training where candidates use equipment or perform tasks that demonstrate their ability to perform the tasks taught in the session (e.g. sprayer calibration, pest identification and monitoring). Small group consultation, led by an expert, that focuses on pesticide use for a particular application is also eligible for double points if sufficient documentation is provided and is deemed acceptable.
Completion of Application
Once approved by NSE, a unique Nova Scotia Environment CEP course number will be assigned to the approved course. All documentation must include this number. NSE will send an email including the course number, number of points per category, and an attendance sheet.
Attendance Sheet- The completed attendance sheet* must include:
- name (printed), certification number, full address, and signature of all participants
- name, date and address of the course
- NSE course number on all pages
- name and signature of all trainers
Course providers are responsible for ensuring that this information is included, legible and correct, otherwise the participant may not receive points. Upon completion of the course this document must be sent to NSE within 2 weeks.
Receipts- Attendees must be issued proof of attendance for an event. This receipt must include:
- name and certification number of applicator
- date, name and NSE course number of the event
- name and signature of provider
- number and category of all points
*Attendance sheets must be signed before commencement of the event and receipts must be signed (by the provider) and distributed upon completion of the event.
Nova Scotia Environment randomly audits pesticide CEP events to ensure content is being delivered as submitted to and approved by NSE. Nova Scotia Environment reserves the right to audit events without paying attendance/course fees. Upon completion of the audit, points may be adjusted to reflect content.