This is to advise that on January 6, 2020, Envirosystems Incorporated (Envirosystems) registered an Additional Information Addendum for the Waste Dangerous and Non-Dangerous Goods Temporary Storage Facility for environmental assessment, in accordance with Part IV of the Environment Act.
On August 7, 2019, Envirosystems registered a Waste Dangerous and Non-Dangerous Goods Temporary Storage Facility at 11 Brown Avenue for environmental assessment, in accordance with Part IV of the Environment Act.
On September 26, 2019, the Minister of Environment determined that the Registration information was insufficient to make a decision on the Project and that additional information is required. The Proponent must provide information regarding structure and site design, spill containment, waste handling and contingency planning.
The purpose of the proposed undertaking is to realize the operational and business-case benefits identified by Envirosystems, while providing a safe and environmentally-sound facility for the temporary storage of waste dangerous and non-dangerous goods. Envirosystems plans to construct and operate a new waste dangerous and non-dangerous goods temporary storage facility at their existing site at 11 Brown Avenue, Dartmouth, NS, which is fully permitted and operational as a Used Oil Collection and Storage operation. The operation of the proposed storage facility is anticipated to commence once approvals are obtained.
Minister's Decision
On February 11, 2020, the Minister of Environment released a decision concerning this review. The Minister has decided to approve the undertaking in accordance with Section 13(1)b of the Environmental Assessment Regulations, pursuant to Part IV of the Environment Act. The undertaking has been approved subject to a number of conditions.
Project Documents
- Minister’s Decision
- Comments
- Conditions
- Addendum Comments
- EA Registration Comments
- Registration Document
- Addendum
Opportunities for Public Input
Public comments on the Registration Document were accepted until September 6, 2019.
All comments received from the public consultation are posted on the department’s website for public viewing. In the case of an individual, the address, email and contact information are removed before being placed on the website. By submitting your comments, you are consenting to the posting of your comments on the department’s website.