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For additional information relating to this article, please contact:

Thomas StorringDirector – Economics and Statistics
Tel: 902-424-2410Email:

January 15, 2025

UK Consumer Price Index including owner-occupiers' housing costs (CPIH) increased 3.5% year-over-year in December 2024, this was unchanged from 3.5% year-over-year in November. The UK CPI index was down to 2.5% year-over-year in December, slowing from 2.6% in November. The owner occupiers' housing costs component accounts for 16% of the CPIH. It is the main driver for differences between the CPIH and CPI inflation rates. The largest downward contributions came from restaurants and hotels and the largest upward contribution came from transport.


In 2024, average annual UK inflation including owner-occupied housing (UK-CPIH) was 3.3% while inflation excluding owner-occupied housing costs (UK-CPI) averaged 2.5%. This is a decline from last year's 6.8% CPIH and 7.3% CPI.

Note: Statistics Canada will release their annual CPI numbers January 21, 2025

Sources: United Kingdom Office for National Statistics Statistical bulletin

Statistics Canada.  Table  18-10-0004-01   Consumer Price Index, monthly, not seasonally adjusted

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