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December 06, 2024HALIFAX BUSINESS CONDITIONS: NOVEMBER 25-DECEMBER 1, 2024 Statistics Canada has released real-time local business conditions from November 25-December 1, 2024. Reference dates reported now refer to the date following the end of the reference week. These data are not adjusted for seasonality and monthly or weekly changes may simply reflect regular seasonal patterns.
From August 10 of 2020 to December 2, 2024, the local business conditions index for Halifax increased by 411.6%. St. John's, Regina and Moncton reported the strongest growth in business conditions over this period while Montréal, Hamilton and Toronto had the smallest gains.

Halifax business conditions declined by 2.0% in the week ending December 2. Of 30 urban centers, 24 reported improved business conditions compared to the week prior. Saskatoon reported the largest gain compared to the previous week while Kitchener reported the steepest decline.

Compared with four weeks prior, business conditions were up 8.6% in Halifax. 22 cities reported better business conditions compared with November 4. Barrie reported the strongest gain while Kitchener had the steepest declines.

Compared with the same week a year ago, Halifax business conditions have improved 33.7%. All cities except Toronto reported improvements over the same period last year with the strongest gain in St. John's.

As the experimental business conditions index is both volatile and unadjusted for seasonality, a comparison of year-to-date averages may generate more stable (if less current) insights into changing business conditions.
Compared with the first 48 weeks of 2023, Halifax business conditions were up 44.8% in the same period of 2024 - the fastest gain among cities (just ahead of Victoria ). No urban centres have reported a year-to-date decline in business conditions. Toronto and Kingston reported the smallest gains.

Halifax business conditions typically fall sharply during the winter months and rebound in the spring. Weather and cultural events also cause volatility in Halifax business conditions. Despite last week's decline, Halifax's business conditions have risen above those of most large urban centre (population >800,000) with the exceptions of Winnipeg and Calgary.

Halifax's business conditions are in line with those in other medium sized urban centres (250,000<population<800,000).

Halifax business conditions have risen to be similar to levels observed in many smaller urban centres (population<250,000).

This experimental data product starts from information on the number of businesses listed in the business register in "business dense areas" of a large urban centre. Data from 2019 business locations provided baseline (ie: pre-pandemic) insight on business revenue and employment.
The data focus on 27 industries in particular: retail bakeries, furniture stores, electronics/appliance stores, building materials/garden supply stores, food/beverage stores, gas stations/convenience stores, clothing stores, cycling stores, book stores, general merchandise stores, florists, cinemas, dental offices, museums, zoos/gardens, amusement/theme parks, casinos, fitness/recreation centres, bowling alleys, drinking places, restaurants, and personal care services (such as hair care or esthetics).
Data on current operating conditions (open vs. closed) were collected from commercial application-program interfaces (API). Most of the information is drawn from Google's Places API, which is similar to what is available publicly on Google Maps, with supplementary information from APIs offered by Yelp Fusion and Zomato. Queries to the API are based on a sampling approach ('density-based cursory search') that focuses on the densest areas for business locations in the selected industries. Statistics Canada cautions that the sampling methods used do not follow standard statistical methods due to cost and technical limitations.
Data on current traffic volumes were drawn from TomTom's historical traffic information. As with operating conditions, the information was drawn from a sample of routes within identified business-dense areas. Statistics Canada cautions that traffic volume estimates and their relationship to business conditions may be sensitive to changing traffic patterns, construction/detours, and changes to business models such as curbside pickup or delivery.
The index of real-time local business conditions is estimated as the value of retail revenue, adjusted for both percentage of reported business closures as well as changes in traffic volumes from pre-pandemic levels.
The value of the index was set to 100 as of August 2020. As such, the index shows changes since then, but does not represent the variations in business conditions that existed in the initial period. A location with strong local business conditions in August 2020 would have less opportunity to grow than a location with weak conditions in the same month.
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 33-10-0398-01 Real-time Local Business Condition Index (RTLBCI)
Statistics Canada catalogue 71-607X. Real-Time Local Business Conditions Index: Concepts, data, methodology,, July 15, 2021
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