News Release Archive


Cape Breton is leading the way in developing new methods of
delivering integrated health services in order to reduce factors
that put children and youth at risk.

Results of these efforts were shown today as the Ministers of
Health, Community Services and Education and Culture were joined
with a community advisory group to announce the first of four new
youth health centres.

The centre, located at Thompson Junior High, North Sydney, comes
as the result of a pilot project designed to improve delivery of
services targeted at youth.

Operating on a walk-in basis, the centre will allow community
care-givers to coordinate a wide range of preventative health
services such as counselling, wellness programs, nutrition
information, mentoring and peer support groups. A nurse
coordinator will be on-site to provide information and referrals.
Additional youth health centres will be opened in New Waterford,
Glace Bay and Sydney.

"Getting government departments to work together was a good
start, but this wouldn't work without the involvement of those
who understand the situation best, our community partners," said
Health Minister Bernie Boudreau. "The centre will serve as an
access point to a full range of services and young people will
know this is a place they can go to be treated with
confidentiality and respect."

The Youth Health Centre project is just one of the initiatives in
development by the Eastern Region Child and Youth Services, a
community group that oversees projects with input from a
community advisory committee and project steering committee from
the four government departments.

"The advisory committee has worked closely with the steering
committee and offered recommendations based on its extensive
community-based experience and expertise," said community
advisory committee co-chair Pat Gorham. "We will be holding
meetings to provide information about the centres and will
continue to seek input as the centres grow and are evaluated."

Jolene Preshyon, student co-chair of the advisory committee, said
allowing youth to access confidential services right in their own
communities is important. "Having the centre in the school will
encourage young people to ask questions and get reliable
information about some pretty difficult issues."

Government has recognized young people often need the services of
more than one department, requiring a coordinated approach. This
project is an excellent example of government breaking down walls
and working together to increase access to services for youth.
Reallocation of resources from all four government departments
will fund this project and program expansion to all corners of
the Eastern Region.

Eastern Region Child and Youth Services is continuing to work
with community groups responsible for providing mental health and
other services for youth and their families, including crisis
support services. The method of service delivery announced today
will serve as a model for these initiatives.


EDITORS NOTE: Backgrounder available by calling 1-800-670-4357
or 902-424-4492.

Contact: Alan Jeffers        902-499-0962
         Michele McKinnon    902-424-6811
         Lori MacLean        902-424-5025
         Donna McCready      902-424-4325
         Catherine MacIsaac  902-499-0264
         Lynna Vickers       902-563-3708

trp                  Oct. 07, 1996 - 10:50 a.m.