News Release Archive

The Government of Nova Scotia has invited Debra Stevens and her
family to once again discuss settlement of their compensation

In the summer of 1995 the province initiated a mediation process
with Ms. Stevens, her two sons as well as two other victims of
Steven Henderson.

A settlement was reached with the two other victims.

An agreement with Ms. Stevens and her two sons could not be
reached. The province had offered to pay a portion of the claim,
anticipating that the balance would be recovered from the
insurance companies for the Lunenburg Family and Childrens
Services Agency, and the Hendersons. The insurance companies
refused to participate.

In January 1996, Ms. Stevens and her two sons launched lawsuits
against the province, the agency and others.

The province continues to believe that negotiation is the most
appropriate means of providing compensation. The province is
prepared to negotiate a settlement package with Ms Stevens and
her sons.

The province will make a similar offer to the other two Henderson
victims with respect to their ongoing attempts to receive
compensation from the insurance companies.

"We believe this process is the most effective and compassionate 
means to provide compensation to these victims," said Community
Services Minister Jim Smith.


Contact: Margaret Murphy  902-424-4880

trp                   Mar. 08, 1996 - 2:55 p.m.