News Release Archive

Viki Samuels-Stewart of Halifax has been appointed coordinator of
race relations and Affirmative Action for the Nova Scotia Human
Rights Commission.

Ms. Samuels-Stewart has extensive experience in the areas of
human rights, employment equity, and human resources. She has
worked with both the private and public sector, most recently as
manager of employment equity with the Bank of Nova Scotia. In
addition, Ms. Samuels-Stewart works in the community as a
resource on equity issues, in particular with the RCMP, Henson
College, and as an active member of the newly-formed Nova Scotia
Employment Equity Practitioners Association.

The race relations division of the commission works towards the
promotion of understanding and improved relations between people
of different races. Affirmative action is a program that is seen
as a remedy for systemic discrimination against members of racial
minorities, persons with disabilities, women, and First Nations

Regarding the difference between employment equity and
affirmative action, Ms. Samuels-Stewart said that affirmative
action has a broader scope, in that it responds to various
aspects of life that affect society, such as education, religion,
housing, and health. Employment equity's primary focus is on
equality in the workplace.


Contact: May Lui  902-424-4111

trp                    Oct. 16, 1995