Dingy Ground Beetle

Order: Coleoptera

Family: Carabidae

Latin Name: Harpalus sp.

Common Names:  Dingy Ground Beetle


Large numbers of these beetles can be found in basements. They may become a nuisance during the fall, especially during periods of wet weather.

Although not a forestry problem, it can be a nuisance to the homeowner.

Life History

The adult beetles emerge from their pupae starting in July and lasting until September. In Nova Scotia, the greater part of the population emerges during the first two weeks of July. The adult beetles are important because they hunt and eat caterpillars. Eggs are laid in mid to late summer. Larvae feed on small caterpillars and other insects. The larvae pupate and overwinter. Generally, all life stages like dark, damp areas.

Control Options

Locate how the beetle got into the home:look particularly around doors and windows. Seal cracks with crack filler, weather stripping, or other appropriate material. A contact insecticide (such as Raid™) sprayed around the base of the door and around the basement windows will deter the beetles from entering. The adults usually disappear by the first part of October, so if you can put up with the nuisance until then there may be no need for control.


CAUTION: Read and follow the instructions on the label when using any control agent. Proper application and use of recommended personal protective equipment are essential for the safe use and effectiveness of any pesticide.

DISCLAIMER: Control options are suggestions only. Actions taken for pest control are the sole responsibility of the applicator in full compliance with any Federal, Provincial or Municipal Acts, Regulations or Bylaws.