Time Lines in the OH&S Act : NS Labour and Advanced Education, Health and Safety
Section Comment
29(3) Where the Director orders a committee to be established, the employer shall establish one within 15 days
33(4) Where the Director orders a representative to be chosen, the employer shall ensure one is chosen within 15 days
34(1) Where an employer receives written recommendations from a committee/representative and a request in writing to respond, the employer shall respond within 21 days
35(3) Where an employer receives a written request for OH&S information, the employer shall respond within 21 days
38(2)(b) Where information is required to be posted only temporarily, the employer shall ensure it is posted for at least 7 days
46(1)(c) An employee not covered by a collective agreement may complain in writing to an officer about failure to pay wages required by the Act or discriminatory action within 30 days
46(1)(d)(ii) An employee covered by a collecive agreement may complain in writing to an officer about failure to pay wages required by the Act or discriminatory action within 30 days unless the matter has been referred to arbitration
63(1) Employer must notify Director of:
*  fire or accident with bodily injuries within 7 days;
*  accidental explosion within 24 hours
*  death or probably fatal injury within 24 hours
67(1) Aggrieved party may appeal an order or decision within 14 days of service of the order or decision
69(1) Aggrieved party may appeal an order or decision of the Director within 21 days of the date of the order or decision
79 A prosecution must be started within 2 years of the offence or the date the offence became known to an officer
83(4) A copy of a request for a deviation is to be posted for 28 days unless agreed otherwise
83(10) The Director shall not decide on a request for deviation before 28 days have passed
83(11) Applicant shall ensure a copy of the Director’s decision on a deviation is posted for at least 7 days
84(1) Up until January 31, 1997, an employee may make a complaint using the new Act’s procedures about discriminatory action that occured under the old Act’s jurisdicion

Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education
Occupational Health & Safety Division
5151 Terminal Road, 5th Floor
PO Box 697
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2T8

Phone: (902)424-5400 or 1-800-9LABOUR (in N.S.)
Fax: (902)424-5640
Secure Enquiry Form

Single copies of related publications are available from the Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Department of Labour at no charge.