Elevating Devices Contacting Hazards : NS Labour and Advanced Education, Hazard Alerts

Date of Issue: April 12, 2006

Incident Summary:

Working in a crowded area, an operator moved a bucket in which he was standing towards a power line. The operator was trying to avoid the main power line and did not notice a smaller guy wire. The bucket caught the guy wire, trapping the operator's hand between the wire and the bucket. The incident resulted in a severed finger and several broken bones.

Hazard Summary:

Although this specific incident involved a bucket truck, the issues also apply to Zoom Booms, boom trucks or other elevating devices, especially when operating in crowded areas. The main hazard is the fact that operators can only give their full attention to one hazard at a time. If there are multiple hazards, operators will have trouble watching all hazards simultaneously.

Preventive Measures:

The following precautions can minimize the above hazard:

  1. When there are multiple hazards that must be avoided, a "signaller" should be used. The signaller is a person on the ground who can help the operator watch for hazards and warn the operator before a hazard is contacted.
  2. When operating in crowded areas or performing more complex operations, a hazard analysis or job analysis will help to identify and avoid the hazards before the work starts.


The following standard is relevant to crane operations in congested spaces:

  1. Occupational Safety General Regulations - Section 57 - "Signaller"