The Royal Gazette Part I - Annual Index
2001 - Volume 210

[Annual Index 2001]    Annual Index 2001 [Royal Gazette Part I]    Royal Gazette Part I

Page Number

Chaulk, Ethel E. - Halifax 3553
Cunningham, Sally - Antigonish 3553
Daurie, Donna - Halifax 2097
Doucet, Angéline T. - Halifax 2097
Elliott, Joni M. - Halifax 2097
Flewelling, Joan - Halifax 4093
Hulan, Kimberley - Antigonish 3553
James, Elizabeth - Halifax 1256
Johnson, David S., QC - Halifax 871
Keast, Patricia - Halifax 4093
Keizer, Linda - Dartmouth 1443
Knapton, Sandra - Halifax 4093
LeBlanc, Susan - Digy 3553
Lutes, Robert E. - Wolfville 3039
Lyver, Debbie - Halifax 4093
MacDonald, George W., QC - Halifax 2185
MacDonald, Natalie - Halifax 2097
MacDonnell, Susan E. - Kentville 1819
Malcolm, Cheryl D. - Halifax


McIsaac, Sharon - Dartmouth 1443
Mulrooney, Lorraine - Halifax 4093
Murray, Dawn - Halifax 4093
O'Hara, Karen - Halifax 4093
O'Hearn, Jean - Halifax 4093
Oliver, Norma - Digby 695
Perry, Phyllis - Halifax 4093
Saunders, Ann - Halifax 4093
Stewart, Louise - Halifax 4093
Truen, Margaret A. - Halifax 3553
Weldon, Beverly - Halifax 4093
Wile, Jeannie - Bridgewater 2097

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This page and all contents copyright © 2005, Province of Nova Scotia.
Comments to:  Registry of Regulations
Last updated:   August 17, 2005