Government of Nova Scotia, Canada

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For additional information relating to this article, please contact:

Thomas StorringDirector – Economics and Statistics
Tel: 902-424-2410Email:

April 13, 2017


Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia’s manufacturing shipments (seasonally adjusted) decreased 4.6% in February 2017 to $631 million, and decreased 2.6% over February 2016.

For the first two months of the year (January-February), manufacturing shipments are 0.5% lower in 2017 than 2016 (seasonally adjusted).

Unadjusted year-to-date (Jan-Feb) non-durable shipments  account for 65% of manufacturing shipments in 2017 and decreased 1.4% over the same period last year. Food manufacturing, with a 27% share, is down 7.8%, Beverages and tobacco, with a 2% share, are up 1.2%, and Plastic and rubber, with a 21% share, are up 4.0% over the same period last year.

Year-to-date durable goods manufacturing accounts for 35% of shipments in 2017, contracted 1.5%. Wood products, with a 6% share, are up 2.8%, Non-metallic mineral products, with a 1% share, are up 4.9%, and Transportation Equipment, with a 17% share, are up 0.5%. Fabricated metal products, with a 4% share, are down 6.8%, Machinery products, with a 2% share, are down 8.7% and Computer and electronics, with a 2% share, are down 24.3% over the same period last year.



Canada manufacturing sales were down 0.2% to $53.6 billion in February 2017, and up 6.8% above last year. Overall, sales were down in 10 of 21 industries as durable goods increased 0.7% and non-durable goods declined 1.2%.

Sales decreased 5.3% in motor vehicle assembly industry, mostly attributable to lower unit production; petroleum and coal products industry declined 5.0%, reflecting lower prices and volumes. Declines were offset in part by increases in aerospace products and parts, up 27.0%, primary metal up 2.8%, and machinery manufacturing up 3.1%. Sales volumes increased in all three industries.

Inventory levels increased 1.6% in February 2017 to $71.9 billion. Unfilled orders were up 0.7% to $88.2 billion, but new orders were up 0.8% over January 2017 and up 12.6% over February 2016.




Manufacturing sales were down in seven provinces in February 2017   Sales were up only in Quebec, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Nova Scotia, at -4.6%, ranked  8th, behind Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island.


On a year-over-year basis (seasonally adjusted), manufacturing shipments are up 6.8% in Canada, with all provinces, except Nova Scotia (-2.6%), recording positive year-over-year growth. Newfoundland led the way at 43.1%. 

On a year-to-date basis, manufacturing shipments growth (unadjusted) was positive in Canada (+4.4%), with large gains in Newfoundland (+44.2%), and double digit gains in New Brunswick (+15.3%), Saskatchewan (+16.4%) and Alberta (+14.4%). Nova Scotia (-1.4%) and Ontario (-0.2%) were the only provinces recording a year-to-date decline.



 Statistics Canada Manufacturing Shipments February 2017 and

               CANSIM 304-0015 and 304-0014




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